Post by tunescool on Oct 14, 2010 18:26:00 GMT -8
Post by tunescool on Oct 15, 2010 0:10:05 GMT -8
<script type="text/Javascript"> // "What Are You Doing?" When Posting v1 By Chris // Do not redistirbute without permission of the creator // Mods by Wormopolis
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Post by Wormopolis on Oct 15, 2010 0:20:31 GMT -8
Im not really all that interested in having to rewrite 3 codes just to make one code work. what happens if you move the code that hides the left column to be the last one that runs?
Post by tunescool on Oct 15, 2010 0:48:41 GMT -8
all you have to do is take stuff out, im not removing the new code, i have everything saved if it makes you happier
Post by Wormopolis on Oct 15, 2010 7:20:39 GMT -8
didnt say remove the new code. I said move it to be after the other 3.
Post by tunescool on Oct 15, 2010 9:17:50 GMT -8
i really didnt read it, i tried it and it didnt change anything
Post by Wormopolis on Oct 15, 2010 13:40:54 GMT -8
live preview code, remove these 2 lines.
nCell.className = "windowbg2"; nCell = nRow.insertCell(1);
and I already saw Todge took care of the other 2.
Post by tunescool on Oct 15, 2010 14:22:39 GMT -8
thanks it looks real nice